Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gridlock in Washington is caused by the Congress men and woman we elected pledging allegance to Grover Norquist

How Can Our Elected Officials Work in Our Best Interest, in the Best Interest of Our Country, When they Have Given Up their Flexibility to Vote for the Best Solutions

Have you heard of the Grover Norquist Pledge?

If not, in short, Grover Norquist is an individual, who sponsors a contract stating that the signer pledges to never raise taxes whatsoever.  To date 238 of our current Representatives and 41 of our current Senators have signed this Pledge . In return for signing the Pledge they get financial backing from many conservative right wing groups, superpacs and individual supporters.  

I don't think any of us are ever really in favor of having to pay more in taxes, but sometimes in extreme situations, like the one that we are currently facing, it might be necessary in order for us to continue to live in the type of society that we are use to living in.  

Governing in a bipartisian fashion, in a manner that takes into account all of the people of the United States, all of the options need to be put on the table. In any situation making the best decision starts with putting all the options on the table and then logically going thru each of them to see which one will produce the best results.

Perhaps in our current situation having everybody pay a little more in taxes for a short time might be the thing that best helps the economy bounce back.  It might be the best thing for us and our country in the long run.

So if WE THE PEOPLE, are serious about fixing the economy, getting our country back on track, moving forward we first need to start with taking back our power.  We need to force our Representatives and Congress men and woman back to the position of pledging allegence to US. 

The only way that we are going to do that is to hold them accountable for their actions.  A great start would be to check and see if any of your government representative(s), have pledged allegence to the Norquist Pledge.  If you find that they have then you should write a letter to the official who pledged and state that as long as their allegence is to Grover Norquist and the Conservative right wing, you will not get my vote.

Check out the link below to find out whether or not any of your government officials have made the pledge.   

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